mercredi, décembre 30, 2009

Cataloging catalogs

Don't you just love paging through catalogs? I do! While the kids page through toy catalogs preparing their lists for Santa, I page through home store catalogs with the same enthusiasm.

Mentally I create rooms that have charm and style. Rooms that reflect a lifestyle. From the 60's retro home office to the contemporary, but cozy living room it all comes together in my minds eye from a few pages in a catalog.

If you're thinking of reinventing one of your rooms a catalog can be your source for your inspiration and your one-stop shopping guide for everything you need. Fly has their catalog organized by style, IKEA organizes theirs by room and Maison du Monde by collection. They all present rooms put together entirely from their collections...and let me tell you, there is something for everyone.

Now this doesn't mean you have to stop at catalogs for inspiration. There are some amazing interior/home magazines out there filled with ideas for the taking. From country to contemporary there are magazines for all tastes to be satisfied. So pour yourself a cup of tea and enjoy the world of interiors through the pages of your favorite catalog.