We knew when we bought our home that the kitchen would have to go. It took me a while to get my hubby on board with my "vision" and motivate him enough to start a project we both knew would take several weeks to finish. As anyone who has remodeled their kitchen knows, microwaved meals and ham sandwiches gets old fast...
Here is what the room looked like before it's destruction:
Granted this room had its charm: checkered tile floor, built-in pantry and a farm-style back door with a window I could open to holler "come and get it" to the young'ins. However there were many drawbacks. The lack of storage and counter top space, a very small corner sink, eat-in room for only 2, a floor that sunk in the middle and the curiosity that the appliances and counter top was set up on a brick step. Not convenient for this woman of 5'2".
The list of improvements we had went far beyond aesthetics and ergonomics, there were structural problems to deal with, i.e. leveling the floor and installing a false ceiling. But first we needed to rip everything out, here's a look at what that entailed:

It took one fine Sunday and 2 dedicated guys to rip everything out, including the floor and brick step. Not bad for a days work guys!
The following day the professionals came to break up the old cement floor, install vertical beams in the basement to keep the floor from sinking and finally pouring the new concrete floor.
In part 2 I will reveal the creation of our new kitchen step by step. Stay tuned...
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